《曝光》現場創作邀請你來創作!EXPOSURE invites you to create on site!

Part -1 : 2018.9.23-25


Site-Specific Creation Project

Part -2: 2018.10.3


Subsequent Exhibition Opening






EXPOSUREis the theme of a

site-specific creation project

and a

subsequent solo exhibition

of young artist wang zhiqian in Studio Gallery。

Different from traditional exposure, artist Wang Zhiqian chose to remove the restrictions of film fixation on photographic paper in this exhibition。 Instead, he sealled the entire gallery space and placed large sheets of photographic paper inside, turning the whole space into a camera。

Part - 1


Site-specific Creation Project

時間:09月23日(本週日)10:00 - 18:00,持續到9月25日,為期3天。


Date: Starts onSept 23th(this Sunday)10 am - 6pm, lasts until 25th for 3 days。

The giant photographic paper inside the space will always be in the state of exposure, recording every movement of the audience entering the space。As the audience is the main factor affecting light, whichmakes the exposure on the photographic paper in constant change。 In addition, the audience will receive a piece of photographic paper from the artist for free to participate in the creating process。 At the opening of following exhibition on October 3rd, they will be displayed altogether with the artist‘s work。

《曝光》現場創作邀請你來創作!EXPOSURE invites you to create on site!


Artist Wang Zhiqian setting the darkroom in Gallery Space

Part - 2


Subsequent Solo Exhibition

《曝光》現場創作邀請你來創作!EXPOSURE invites you to create on site!

時間:10月03日 下午開幕15:00-19:00,持續到10月28日,為期26天。


Date: Starts at 3pm, Oct 3rd, lasts until 28th for 26 days。

Subsequent solo exhibition will showcase the main achievements of the on-site creation project, including large photographic paper, works created by the audience and other works of the artist。



Admission Notes

1,入場後可取一張相紙,不得帶出,可自行創作,離場時需交給工作人員,10月3號展覽開幕創作結果會也 將展出。



4,請穿鞋套入場,體驗期間不宜穿高跟鞋;孕婦兒童老人,心臟病 眼疾患者等人群不建議體驗。

1。 A piece of photo paper will be given after admission。 You can create by yourself。

2。 The “dark room” is almost without light。 After entering, you’ll need a few seconds to adapt。

3。 Strong light is strictly prohibited in the dark room。 Mobile phones are forbidden。 Fluorescent props indoor can be used in anyway。

4。 Please wear shoe covers for admission。 High heels should not be worn during the experience。 Pregnant women, children and the elderly, people with heart disease and eye diseases are not recommended。

藝術家在專案現場準備了各式不同的熒光道具及豐盛的美食酒水,同時還佈置了意想不到的驚喜等你發現。 歡迎大家來參與現場創作及後續展覽~

Artist prepared various kinds of fluorescent props and food&drinks on site, also arranged unexpected surprises for you to find。 Welcome everyone to participate in the site creation and subsequent exhibition~

光 相紙 時間 ,曝光(物理的世界維度)。那麼另一個維度的曝光?光是什麼,時間又是什麼,相紙是什麼?



Light, photographic paper, time, exposure (physical dimensions of the world)。 So what about the exposure in another dimension? What is light, what is time, what is photographic paper?

In physical dimension,light and paper is separated from time。 In other word, the space is seperated from time。 I think there should be no separation, but a entirety。 Maybe it‘s the human being which is the photo paper, the light and time, evenmore, time is the light, the darkness, photo paper is also time。。。

- Wang Zhiqian

TAG: 相紙paperphotographiclighttime