


Preaching and Biblical Theology Session 35



Section 6,第六段,David and Goliath,大衛和歌利亞。Let us take an example or two of such an approach。我們來對這個救贖歷史的進路來舉兩個的例子,David’s sling with Goliath,大衛擊殺歌利亞,has often been preached on in such a way as to be merely illustrativewith a vengeance。往往按照這段經文講道極端的,只不過是極端的做一個比喻而已。Indeed one hears sermon on this theme that mightal most as well having preached on jack the giant killer on more contemporaryexample exterminator。往往我們聽到這種主題的講道呢,就不如用任何一種的電視上、電影上的英雄作為主題就好了。But even when perception rises above the level on which David is seen as the brave shepherd boy was a dead shot with the sling,就算我們對聖經的認識會提升高過這種或者大衛就是一個勇敢的牧羊人的少年,但是他這個滑石丟的是非常的準的,只是這樣子而已,就算我們能夠提升到更高一個層次,the improvement is often merely a stress on David‘s faith and God’s faithfulness and granting him victory。最多就進步到說,我們強調大衛的信心和上帝的信實給大衛得勝。So conceived,若是這樣看,是大衛的信心,上帝的信實,This incidents slips into a vast store of miscellaneous victories of faith in the Old Testament。這次的事件就滑落進到一個雜亂無章的舊約信心得勝故事的雜堆裡面,就是說聖經裡面各種的故事是雜亂無章的,你隨便拿一個出來都可以講信心、順服、忍耐等等。所以有兩個錯,第一個呢是大衛是一個偉大的武俠,第二是信心而已。

第三,When the biblical theological dimension is added,當我們加了這個聖經神學或者救贖歷史的層面的時候,the story is viewed in a new light。我們就從一個嶄新的眼光來讀這段的記載。我故意不翻譯“故事”兩個字的。The significance of the kingship in the development of the must be appreciated。我們必須欣賞都、體會到在上帝統治祂的子民整個神制的百姓的發展中,君王這個王位的重要性,for David is the Lord‘s anointed。因為大衛是耶和華的受膏者。In this Institute在這件事件上,he is manifested to Israel as a divinely endowed savior of the people。這段經文彰顯、向以色列人彰顯,大衛乃是上帝所恩膏、恩賜的上帝百姓的拯救者。Only in this perspective can David’s words to Goliath (I Samuel 17:45-47)。唯獨從這個角度來看,我們才能夠讀懂大衛在撒母耳記上17:45-47向歌利亞所講的話是多麼的強而有力。They then become the theological core of the whole passage,從這個角度來看呢,45-47節是整段經文的是神學的核心,David’s attack in the name of Jehovah of hosts。大衛的作戰是奉萬軍之耶和華的名的,the God of the armies of Israel‘s。就是以色列萬軍的、以色列軍隊的上帝。His victory was testified to all the earth,大衛得勝就向全地見證there is a God in Israel,見證以色列中有神。David appears as the restorer of the theocracy from shame to its rightful function as a witness of God‘s sovereignty to the same。大衛的出現就重新的恢復神制的以色列,從羞恥到它正確的功能。就是以色列本來就是要見證上帝主權的救贖大工的,耶和華的見證人恰恰就是以色列人在上帝面前的地位。很不幸的這個名詞被不純正的異端拿走了。

Further his victory is that all this assembly may know,不但如此,大衛得勝就是好叫整個的會眾能夠明白,能夠認識the futility of carnal weapons,憑血氣爭戰的徒勞,and the sovereignty and salvation of the covenantal God。同時,那位立約守約的神,祂是主權的來拯救。Here David is proclaiming up as a prophet the deepest principles of His salvation。這裡大衛身為一位先知來宣告救贖歷史裡最深層的原則,principles which found their performance only in that theocratic King,who is David’s great Son。這些原則,救贖歷史裡的原則。最後就是那位神制的君王,大衛的後代、大衛的主,耶穌基督的身上成就了。It is impossible not to see Christ in this passage,這段經文不可能看不到耶穌基督的,however David is also an actor in the battle,但是大衛也是作戰者,it is by his hand that Goliath is to be slain。歌利亞是從他的手中被擊殺的。Courage is required to go forth against the giants,向這個巨人作戰需要勇敢,yet these two elements fit in perfect harmony。但是這兩個因素是很完整的、融洽的、融合的。

The theological interpretation, the redemptivehistorical interpretation, is on David’s on lips as he goes into battle。大衛作戰的時候他口中所講的話就是這個神學性的解經,就是這個救贖歷史的解釋了。Nor do these words appear as theology dubbed intothe narrative。大衛口中所講的話不是一些神學性的東西旁白的加進故事裡面的,不是的。They are most concrete,這些是很具體的話語,David catalogs are sort the sword, a spear, and a javelin with which Goliath approaches him。大衛就列出歌利亞各種是武裝,he is grimly realistic about the disposal the deadbody of his blaspheming giant,大衛也很具體的很形象化的講出歌利亞這個褻瀆上帝的巨人將來的屍體會怎麼處理,by the unction of the Spirit, David has insight on his own role in redemptive history。因為聖靈把上帝的話放在大衛的口中,所以大衛有這個洞見,看到他,大衛他自己,在救贖歷史裡要扮演的角色是什麼。

He understands the nature of Israel,他理解以色列本質上是誰,and the purpose of the existence of this nation也認識以色列這個國存在的目的是什麼。He also understands the nature of the covenantal God。他也明白立約守約的神的本性,His omnipotence,祂的無所不能and His faithfulness,和神的守約的信實。Further he understands his own position as an instrument of the Lord,不只他認識以色列、不只他認識神,再者,他認識他自己作為耶和華這個器皿的這個位置。His power is of the Lord,大衛的能力是耶和華的能力,who saves not with sword and spear,耶和華不是用刀劍來拯救的,for the battle is the Lord‘s。因為爭戰是耶和華的爭戰。

Do we not perceive David’s possession in the measure of this insight?我們豈看不到嗎,大衛在某個程度上有這種的洞見,是必須要有的,為要扮演救贖歷史的角色呢?Indeed it’s not this the issue in a rejection of Saul,上帝棄絕掃羅豈不就是在這個問題上嗎?and the establishment of kingdom of David’s hands?上帝把國度設立在大衛的手上,也豈不就是這個問題上嗎?In David’slater testing through the persecution of Saul, 當大衛在後來因為掃羅的逼迫而受到考驗的時候呢,it is this principle in its own understanding thatis repeatedly challenged by circumstances and praised by faith。就是這個原則,上帝是誰、以色列是誰、以色列的呼召,就不斷的透過大衛的遭遇向大衛挑戰,也是不斷因為大衛有信心,他擁抱、他接受這個原則,the true theocratic king must be one whose glory isthe name of God,真正神制國度的君王必須是以耶和華的名為榮耀的,who comes not in his own name but in the name of the God has sent him。君王不可以是奉自己的名而來,乃是奉那差遣他的神的名而來做王的。

The real ethical and religious issues in David‘s own experience,大衛他自己的經驗裡面真正的課題,倫理的課題、信仰的課題,are imperfect congruence with the significance ofredemptive history,就是大衛他的信仰跟他的生活該如何活呢?是完全與救贖歷史的重要性是符合的,for David himself perceives the nature of those issues,因為大衛他自己瞭解這些問題之所在,and his stature and usefulness in his redemption depend on the fact that he does so。而大衛在救贖歷史裡作為一位有用的君王,他的身量、他的重要性都在乎他了解這些的課題。Saul, of course, has a negative role in the history,當然,掃羅在救贖歷史上就扮演一個負面的角色,because of his failure to perceive the issues。因為掃羅沒有看到問題之所在。but the connection between ethical and redemptive historical is the same。但是呢,人的生活、人的行為和上帝的救贖歷史之間的關聯,那是一樣的,不論是負面的在掃羅身上,或者正面在大衛身上。

In connecting our experience with David’s, we needonly to understand that we, upon whom the end of age has come, are  Kingdom of a holy nation。我們要怎麼樣向我們新約基督徒經驗與大衛的經驗連線呢?我們只要明白我們,就是末世臨到的我們,是君尊的祭司和聖潔國度。He that is feeble among us is as David,在我們中間最軟弱的就如大衛那麼的強壯,for the house of David is as God,因為大衛之家要好像上帝之家一樣,as the angel of Jehovah before us,就好像在我們面前的耶和華的使者一樣,那麼的大能,那麼的榮耀(撒加利亞書12:8)。Each of us has official responsibility, the sort inthe name the Lord of hosts我們新約的基督徒每一位都有帶著這個職分、這個責任,在上帝的子民面前、在教會面前、和在世人的面前高舉萬軍之耶和華的名字的。

When we thus approach the scriptures,當我們這樣子來讀聖經的時候呢,ready to appreciate the grasp of the redemptive circle figures upon the principles of redemption,就是說當我們體會到怎麼去抓到聖經的人物,救贖歷史的人物,他們抓到救贖的原則,we are using a scriptural method。我們就是用一個符合聖經的解經法了。We have only to recall that descriptions of Abraham and Moses in eleven chapter of Hebrews,我們只需要再一次記起,在希伯來書第11章如何形容亞伯拉罕和摩西,我們就會看到,to see that this is so,正是如此的,就是這些救贖歷史的人物,亞伯拉罕、摩西等等,他們是抓到恩典、呼召、信心、順服這些聖約原則的。

These men were not only actors in the great redemptive movement,這些聖經人物、信心偉人不單單是在救贖歷史整個的進展中一些的有所作為的人,不單單是扮演一套戲的一些的演員,that committed(?15:16)in Christ,當然是以耶穌基督為高峰的,不單單如此,不單單是信心的榜樣,they themselves looked for Christ,他們是在期待在追尋基督的,and they possess this Christian hope,他們有這個基督而來的盼望,not as a bare prophetic enigma ,不僅僅是因為他們好像有先知性這種的赤裸裸的矛盾,就是既絕望又期待又有盼望,but it’s living hope,他們有的是活的盼望,full of meaning for the daily cultures is anexperience。這些盼望為他們每一天的心靈和經驗帶來意義,他們生活完全有意義,因為他們仰望等候耶穌基督。It conformed to the deepest realities of thereligious life as the hunger and thirst for God。他們心裡面飢渴追求神,這些都符合他們信仰生活中的最深的現實。就是說,上帝還沒有應驗,還沒有給他們應許之地,但是他們飢渴追求神,這兩者是相輔相成的。They saw and greeted the promises from far。他們看到了,他們從遠方的看到、迎接上帝的應許,they confessed that they were strangers and pilgrimson earth,他們承認自己在地上是陌生人、是客旅,even as we, 就像我們是陌生人、是客旅一樣,who have here no abiding city。我們在地上沒有永久居住的城市。And they desired that heavenly country,他們所戀慕的是那個天上的城,天上的家鄉,就是那個有根有基的城,whose builder and maker is God。是上帝所造的,上帝所建立的天上的城。



反過來說,大衛也需要勇敢呢。那大衛他自己也說出救贖歷史和上帝的主權的,所以大衛口中的話不是隻是勇敢膽量而已,大衛很具體的跟歌利亞作戰,因為有聖靈所給他的話語。所以大衛瞭解:第一,以色列是誰,上帝呼召他們;第二,他完全明白上帝是什麼樣一位立約守約大能的上帝;第三,他看到他自己是上帝的器皿。大衛作戰的能力是來自耶和華,能力不在於刀劍,因為the battle is the Lord’s。 爭戰是耶和華的爭戰。所以很明顯他看到他自己的地位。剛才我們講的時候他勇敢,對不對,他的大能/勇敢都是他明白他是奉耶和華的名作戰的。所以呢大衛當時,在那一刻,那一次作戰的那些的議題,就是他信心、他的勇敢等等呢,是在於他在救贖歷史中看到他自己是受膏者。







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