
稀缺半島 心靈原鄉




The Xinhu Shangri-La located in the secret place of Liangzhu mountains and waters, covering an area of more than 1,300 acres of original ecological low-density market。 It surrounded by the five mountains with more than 300 acres of natural water system and more than 3,000 acres of mountains and forests, as well as the original area of 5,000 acres of original landscapes。 In the meantime, the living environment indicators are comparable to those of nature reserves。




The south of Xinhu Shangri-La, across the street is a planned 13-square-kilometer high-speed rail new town, of which the TOD of one million square meters of West Station has officially started construction。 After completion, it will be an important strategic hub for the integration of the Yangtze River Delta。 The TOD of Hangzhou West Railway Station is similar to that of Shanghai Hongqiao。 Xinhu Shangri-La will be the most core villa area in Hangzhou s new future center。 It has both TOD s core supporting resources, scarce landscape resources, and large-scale private land resources。 When the city s most important core resources are merged into one, and the site will be valuable。



/The Planning Scope of Hangzhou West Railway Station High-speed Rail New Town

湖山八景 入畫杭州




The landscape of Xinhu Shangri-La park is the same as that of AMANFAYUN。 It is created with a resort-style ecological village landscape。 Find a yard to sit down and wait for the breeze to pass。 The yellow leaves are flying。 In the forest rhyme of songtao and birdsong, the autumn court is long and empty。 The whole body and mind are immersed in peace and tranquility。 The park has trees, forests, creeks, and clear lakes, which naturally form “Hushan eight scenic spots”: Yuhai Huadi, Shili Trail, Taipu Tingquan, Guanshan Drunk Moon, Camphor Tree Fuqing, Lanyue Yaoyu, Huaxi Liushan, Canyon Pinnacle。


▲手繪景觀總平圖/Hand-drawn Landscape Masterplan




The scarcity of the park is not limited to its unique scenery, and the original livable environment is irreproducible。 The environmental assessment report shows that the PM2。5 content in the park is better than that of Qiandao Lake in the same period。 The water quality reaches the national first-class surface water standard。 The daytime noise meets the national first-class acoustic environment standards, and environmental indicators are comparable to natural reserves。



The elegant forest courtyard sits on a lake with a perfect blend of humanity and natural scenery, demonstrating the eternal noble style of lake life。 Blue Moon Lake, like a pearl, is quietly hidden in the native mountain forest。 In such a quiet, elegant, surrounded by green mountains and fresh air, people and the glory of civilization start a wonderful journey of time and mountains。




居住於此,陪伴生活的是 200 餘種野生鳥類,是 1000 餘米原生水杉大道,是 10000 餘株成年大樹。漫步千米水杉大道,享受斑駁光影,梧桐、銀杏落葉隨風散落金黃。

Living here, accompanied by more than 200 species of wild birds, more than 1,000 meters of native Metasequoia Avenue, and more than 10,000 adult trees。 Strolling thousands of miles of Metasequoia Avenue to enjoy the mottled light and shadow。 The sycamore and ginkgo leaves fall golden with the wind。





▲藍月湖實景圖/Blue Moon Lake


The golden laurel rain falls with the wind, the subtle fragrance is refreshing。 At every step on Metasequoia Avenue, every scenery encountered along the way is no longer just in sight。 With every breath of fresh air, the expansiveness of the soul and the awe of the vast universe arise spontaneously。





隱於自然 獨墅一幟


Xinhu Shangri-La Villa is a neo-classical mansion of pure English, French, Italian, etc。 Each build is a villa with mountain and lake views。 The villa design fully integrates the terrain and enjoys the unique landscape of the site。 The building itself does not seek to be the focal point of the site。 The surroundings of the villa are quiet and beautiful, surrounded by woods and trees when you go out。 The building is perfectly integrated with nature, presenting a low-key, simple and beautiful poetic sense of the building。




詩意庭院 沉思之所


Each villa has its own architecture and courtyard garden, restraint, selection, cutting, fragmentation, which is a contemplative place for designers to return to nature。 The creation of these spatial sequences made architecture and nature appear alternately。 The yard became an intermediate state between architecture and nature。






The seamless connection between nature and architecture is connected through the landscape, and the plants planted between different volumes indicate the beauty of the distance。 The color, texture and growth pattern of the plants create a quiet and artistic atmosphere。




What we see is not only the beauty of nature, but also the thought of art。 In the name of nature, Xinhu Shangri-La opens the prelude to a harmonious exchange of life and nature。 As a habitat for people, it awakens people s yearning for nature。 When nature and life blend together, it is the warmest art。

| 專案檔案

專案名稱 | 杭州新湖 香格里拉

專案地址 | 餘杭未來科技城北,西站TOD旁

業主單位 | 杭州新湖美麗洲置業有限公司

生態優勢 | 5000餘畝原生山林覆蓋、300畝天然湖、1。5萬方半島公園、湖山八景、1000米水杉大道、200餘種豐富鳥類、PM2。5含量同期數值優於千島湖

專案面積 | 1300餘畝

景觀設計 | 澳洲藝普得景觀

設計團隊 | 美國道林名師設計

撰文編輯 | 景觀邦團隊

專案攝影| 景觀邦攝影團隊

新品動態 | 新湖香格里拉收官之作 | 五重公園 |約1。44低密 | 戶型面積約93-135㎡ | 大師新作精裝純洋房 | 2020全新面世

| Project Description

Project Name

| Hangzhou Xinhu Shangri-La


| North of Yuhang Future Technology City, which is next to TOD at Hangzhou West Station


| Hangzhou Xinhu Meilizhou Real Estate Co。, Ltd。

Ecological Advantage

| More than 5000 acres of native mountain forest coverage; 300 acres of natural lake; 1。5 million square peninsula park; Lake Mountain Eight Views; 1000 meters Metasequoia Avenue; More than 200 kinds of birds; The concentration of PM2。5 is better than Qiandao Lake

Landscape Area

| More than 1,300 acres

Landscape Design

| Integrated Planning and Design

Design Team

| DAHLIN Group

Author Editing

| LA Bang


| LA Bang

Product News

|Thefinal closing work ofXinhu Shangri-La| Five ReduplicatePark | 1。44 Low Density | Theunit area is about 93 to135㎡ |Masterpiece hardcover pure bungalow |Coming soonin2020




TAG: thanNature新湖香格里拉Xinhu