

Word of the Day : September 28, 2021



verb PAHR-lay

What It Means

Parlay means “to turn (something) into something of greater value。”

Parlay 的意思是“把(某物)變成更有價值的東西”。


The young actor parlayed his popularity as a teen heartthrob into a successful film career。


“Since his pro debut in 1995, [Manny Pacquiao] has won world titles in a record eight weight classes and parlayed boxing fame into political clout。” — Morgan Campbell, The New York Times, 22 Aug。 2021“


Did You Know?

In gambling, parlay is used for a series of bets in which a person places a bet, then puts the original stake of money and all of its winnings on new wagers。 The noun comes from the French name for such bets: paroli。 Be careful not to mix up the verb parlay with the similar word parley, meaning “to speak with another or to confer。”

在賭博中,parlay 用於指一個人下一系列的賭注,將原來的賭注和所有贏的錢放在新的賭注上。 該名詞來自類似賭注的法語名詞:paroli。 小心不要將動詞 parlay 與類似的單詞 parley 混淆,它的意思是“to speak with another or to confer『與他人交談或商談』”。


Fill in the blanks to complete a verb meaning “to make great or greater”: a _ g _ _ n _ _ ze。



TAG: parlay賭注verbintosomething