

Acting like a baby is aware of the possibility of being favored。


It‘s preference, it’s the exception, it‘s the difference。



The world needs reason, but I only prefer you。


Public preference is the basis for loving someone。


女孩子想要的 是用心的喜歡和極致的偏愛。

What girls want is to love and extreme preference。

撞上你的風華正茂 是我最無奈的一見鍾情。

It’s the most helpless love at first sight that hit you。


我可以給你偏愛 但我也想要有迴應的愛。

I can give you preference, but I also want responsive love。

你那麼溫柔 走兩步 風都是甜的。

You are so gentle and take two steps。 The wind is sweet。



Don‘t be a god or Buddha, be your bliss。

我可以給你偏愛 但我也想要有迴應的愛。

I can give you preference, but I also want responsive love。


TAG: 偏愛preferencelovebutwant