圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

作品空間圖,Installation view of the work,©藝術家,2022 上海 Shanghai

致謝攝影師許曉東,Photo by XDstudio

“氣泡”系列對玻璃和金屬吹管進行試驗,測試了不鏽鋼、鋁、黃銅、銅作為吹管與玻璃的反應。受退火係數、耐熱性的限制, 只有銅材料可與玻璃的吹制、退火過程共存。用於吹制玻璃的銅吹管由此被保留下,也成為作品的本體。



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“Bubble” experiments with glass and metal tubes, testing stainless steel, aluminum, brass and copper functioning as glass blowpipes。 With limits of annealing coefficient and heat resistance, copper is the only one to survive during the blowing and annealing process。 The copper blowpipe is thus preserved and itself becomes part of the work。

Pipe in nature is associated with the action of transfer, always flowing inside, filled with energy that does not have a solid shape。 Blowing bubbles is a creative activity by breathing。 It creates a magic orb and encapsulation of breath。 Breathing in mythology is a magic technique to activate life while blowing glass is breathing in to bring a piece of art to life。 “Bubble” retains the moment before bubbles float and burst, presenting the primitive blowing state。 Light is then injected into them through optical fibers, like blood vessels, in completion of the entire breathing process。

It’s tough to preserve bubbles’ timid life in all senses。 Metal breaks the glass, glass melts metal。 I doubted if I should not be contrary to the physical nature of the materials。 Surprisingly, the only suitable material I found, copper, can change color at high temperatures into a beautiful bright red, like blood permeating through copper, magnified by the glass。 The only result that material leads to may fulfill the aphorism of Heraclitus, “phusis kruptesthai philei”。 The secrets of nature tend to hide。

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

作品空間圖,Installation view of the work,©藝術家,2022 上海 Shanghai

致謝攝影師許曉東,Photo by XDstudio

- 作品資訊 -

- About The Works -

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳


Bubble Series



Blown glasses, Red copper, Fiber optic, Aluminum alloy, Led

36 (h) x 28 (w) x 98 (h) cm

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳


Bubble Series



Blown glasses, Red copper, Fiber optic, Aluminum alloy, Led

31 (h) x 28 (w) x 58 (h) cm

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳


Bubble Series



Blown glasses, Red copper, Fiber optic, Aluminum alloy, Led

43 (h) x 11 (w) x 30 (h) cm

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳


Bubble Series



Blown glasses, Red copper, Fiber optic, Aluminum alloy, Led

45 (h) x 38 (w) x 37 (h) cm

- 作品細節 -

- The

Work Details -

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳

作品細節圖,Details of the works,©工作室畫廊 Studio Gallery,2022 ,上海 Shanghai


"Bubble" Series is Now Available

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- About The Artist -

圓管的使命是“吹泡泡” |宋淳



TAG: copper吹制Bubble玻璃氣泡