英語資訊“內含中英對照”:澳門賭王捐贈 圓明園馬首迴歸

英語資訊“內含中英對照”:澳門賭王捐贈 圓明園馬首迴歸

Bronze Statue of Horse Head Finally back to Yuanmingyuan

愛國企業家捐圓明園馬首 百年迴歸之路畫上圓滿句號

One of the most discussed cultural relics lost in the 1860s during the Second Opium War is finally home。 Macau billionaire and philanthropist Stanley Ho purchased one of the famous cultural relics from an auction house in Hong Kong in 2007 and donated it to Yuanmingyuan before celebrations of the 20th anniversary of Macau’s return to China。



The bronze statue of horse head in Yuanmingyuan, an imperial garden in Beijing,was looted by the allied forces of eight countries including the UK and France。

Designed by Italian Giuseppe Castiglione, the statue is a combination of eastern and western art concepts and design styles。

It was cast and shaped by the lost-wax method by the palace craftsman in the 18th century。

There were originally 12 bronze statues in Yu-anmingyuan。 Together they comprised of a water fountain in the gar-den。

The bronze statues re-appeared in public sight starting the 1980s in various auction events。 Since then Chinese philanthropists and patriots have been buying them back。

Currently seven of the animal heads have returned to China and the horse head is the first one to have been re-turned to Yuanmingyuan。




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