雙語 宇文所安








雙語 宇文所安



雙語 宇文所安





雙語 宇文所安

早在2016年,美國的著名漢學家宇文所安,(本名斯蒂芬·歐文Stephen Owen)在經過多年的辛勤耕耘後,就推出了六卷本三千多頁的《杜甫詩全集》英文版,含1400首杜甫詩。宇文所安是全球有名的漢學家,其著述很多,我最早讀到的是他的《中國文論:英譯與評論》(Readings in Chinese Literary Thought),是他早年為耶魯大學比較文學系編著的《中國文論》課程教材,後作為哈佛大學東亞系和比較文學系的權威教材正式出版(英文版1992年;中文版2003年)。是一部專供在美國大學裡學習中文的學生使用的教材。我個人認為,中國大學裡學英語語言文學和翻譯專業的學生也可以讀一讀這本書,所以我也給我的研究生一直推薦這本書。

雙語 宇文所安

宇文所安1946年生於美國密蘇里州聖路易斯市,他從小就對詩歌感興趣,在巴爾的摩市立圖書館,宇文所安第一次接觸到中國詩歌,並迅速與其相戀,至今猶然。1972年以博士論文《韓愈與孟郊的詩》獲耶魯大學東亞系文學博士學位,隨即執教耶魯大學,1982年應聘哈佛大學,任教東亞系、比較文學系,是唐詩研究領域首屈一指的美國漢學家。宇文所安,熱愛唐詩、中國古典文學,他連取中文名字都有深意,“宇文”是胡人姓,“所安”則出自於論語的“觀其所由,察其所安”,名跟姓加在一起,也有胡漢融合的意思。他自己也曾經風趣的說,現在“宇文所安”比較有名氣,說起英文字名Stephen Owen,反而知道的人不多。他,是個老外,卻深深愛上了唐詩,在古籍堆裡鑽研了數十寒暑,一般人只知道唐詩三百首,但是他,讀過的唐詩卻已經超過上萬首,被譽為是“為唐詩而生的美國人”,他的《中國文論:英譯與評論》(Readings in Chinese Literary Thought)是美國哈佛大學的權威教程。










View in Spring

The state broken, its mountains and rivers remain,

the city turns spring, deep with plants and trees。

Stirred by the time, flowers, sprinkling tears,

hating parting, birds, alarm the heart。

Beacon fires stretch through three months,

a letter from family worth ten thousand in silver。

I’ve scratched my white hair even shorter,

pretty much to the point where it won’t hold a hatpin。

故正得失,動天地,感鬼神,莫近於詩。先王以是經夫婦,成孝敬,厚人倫,美教化,移風俗。 ——《詩大序》

Thus to correct (the presentation of ) achievements and failures, to move Heaven and Earth, to stir the gods and spirits, there is nothing more apposite than poetry。 By it the former managed the relations between husbands and wives, perfected the respect due to parents and superiors, gave depth to human relations, beautifully taught and transformed the people, and changed local customs。



Thus the affairs of a single state, rooted in (the experience of ) a single person are called Feng。 To speak of the affairs of the whole world and to describe customs common to all places is called Ya。 Ya means “proper”。 These show the source of either flourishing or ruin in the royal government。 Government has its greater and lesser aspects; thus we have “Great Ya” and a “Lesser Ya”。 The “Hynms” give the outward shapes of praising full virtue, and they inform the spirits about the accomplishment of great deeds。 These are called the “Four Beginnings” and are the ultimate perfection of the poems。

人生而靜,天之性也;感於物而動,性之慾也。物至知知,然後好惡形焉。好惡無節於內,知誘於外,不能反躬,天理滅矣。夫物之感人無窮,而人之好惡無節,則是物至而人化物也。人化物也者,滅天理而窮人慾者也。於是有悖逆詐偽之心,有淫泆作亂之事。是故強者脅弱,眾者暴寡,知者詐愚,勇者苦怯,疾病不養,老幼孤獨不得其所,此大亂之道也。 ——《禮記 樂記》

A human being is born calm: this is his innate nature endowed by Heaven。 To be stirred by external things and set in motion is desire occurring within that innate nature。 Only after things encounter conscious knowledge do likes and dislikes take shape 。 When likes and dislikes have no proper measure within, and when knowing is enticed from without, the person becomes incapable of self-reflection, and the Heaven-granted principle of one’s being perishes。 When external things stir a person endlessly and when that person’s likes and dislikes are without proper measure, then when external things come before a person, the person is transformed by those things。 When a person is transformed by things, it destroys the Heaven-granted principle of that person’s being and lets him follow all human desires to their limit。 Out of this comes the refractory and deceitful mind; out of this come occurrences of wallowing excess and turmoil。 Then the powerful coerce the weak; the many oppress the few; the smart deceive the stupid; the brave make the timid suffer; the sick are not cared for; old and young and orphans have no place——this is the Way of supreme turbulence。



In the study of poetry you must first eliminate five kinds of uncouthness: 1) uncouth form, 2) uncouth concepts, 3) uncouth lines, 4) uncouth words, 5) uncouth rhymes。

——Yan YuRules of Poetry



What others say in many words, I should say in few words; what others find hard to say, I find easy to say——If this is the case then I will avoid uncouthness。



Poetry demands painstaking reflection: if a poem is no good, it’s only because the writer didn’t give it enough reflection, if you write without reflection, what good does it do to write in quantity? The older poets spent their whole lives in such painstaking reflection, boning and refining their poems for days and months。 If it wasn’t, If my lines don’t startle others, I’ll find no peace in death。 Then it was: For a lifetime the core of my strength has been used up in poetry。 The moderns never study poetry, yet they are always claiming to know about poetry。 How can a person be good at poetry without studying it?



In short, talent, judgment, courage, and force support one another: if one is lacking, a person cannot achieve the status of a major writer。 None of the four is more urgent than any of the others, but it is essential to begin with judgment。 If a person lacks (the capacity for) judgment, then none of the other three will have anything to rely on。 Courage without judgment leads to error, rashness, and ignorance: such words turn their back on principle, rebel against the Way, and are worthless。 Talent without the power of judgment may yield a deftness and skill in dispute and quickness of thought, but values will be all mixed up, black and white inverted, and one’s talent will catch a person up in problems。 Force , without the power of judgment leads to writing that is opinionate and misleading——writing that can mislead people and deceive that people of the age-——the harm it can do is extensive。 These are all equally criminals in the world of poetry。

Only the man who possesses the capacity for judgment will know which course to follow, where to exert energy, what must be decided: thereafter talent, courage, and force all have something on which they can depend with confidence。 Whether criticized or praised by the entire world, such a person is not swayed from his course; neither do his judgments depend on the judgment of others。 The joy and satisfaction that come from this do not apply only to the Way of poetry and prose。

TAG: person所安宇文poetryjudgment