


2022北京冬奧會已圓滿結束,各國運動健兒在如美如幻的冰天雪地中各展英姿,給世界各地的觀眾們帶來了一場場視覺盛宴。本屆冬奧會本身也以其中國元素給人們帶來了美的享受:雄壯威武的“雪游龍”和“雲頂長城”、靈動精美的“冰絲帶”和“雪如意”,它們以濃厚的中國元素讓世界眼前一亮。值得一提的是,除了由廣東美術學院設計出來的引起轟動的吉祥物“冰墩墩”, 獎牌上的“南粵玉璧“、來自揭陽的冬奧火炬設計師,無一不體現著灣區人們的嶺南元素。

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics ended with a great success, where outstanding athletes across the world exhibited their breath-taking skills in the crystal-like world, bringing beautiful experience for the global audience。 This Winter Olympics also struck everyone with its unique Chinese elements: from the magnificent “Ice flying loong” and “the Ice Great Wall”, to delicate “Ice Ribbons” and “Snow Ruyi”。 It’s especially worthy of attention when it comes to those Cantonese designing, which conveys the essence of “Lingnan(a geographic word used to describe ancient Cantonese region)” culture: the popular mascot “Bing Dwen Dwen”, Jade pendant style medals and torch designer from Jieyang, Guangdong Province。





The Beijing 2022 medals - named “Tong Xin”, meaning “together as one” - are composed of five rings and a centre, which representing the Olympic and the spirit to bring people together。 The design is inspired by Chinese ancient jade concentric circle pendants。 And in the official materials released by the Beijing Winter Olympics, it is clearly stated that it’s based on jade pendants discovered in the Mausoleum of Nanyue King。 Wang Weiyi, vice president of the Museum of the Nanyue King of Western Han Dynasty, said that jade pendants are the core of ancient ceremonial jade vessels, representing the idea of the harmony between humanity and nature, which can be beautifully combined with the vision of “Tong Xin” that the designers want to express。





Being ethereal and delicate, the torch of the Winter Olympic Games not only perfectly conveys the Olympic spirit, but also expresses the inclusiveness and openness of the Chinese people。 In the torch creative team, there are three designers from Guangdong province, including Wu Guanghao, from Jieyang, Guangdong, who is the youngest industrial designer in the design team。 He worked in the design team of the Beijing Olympic Games Xiangyun torch。 This time, as the main designer, he participated in the design of the “Flying” torch。 It features a striking inner red “blazing ribbon” that contrasts with a second ribbon that is silver, which could not be achieved by traditional production methods。 However, with the strong manufacturing base of Guangdong, it was finally realized by metal 3D printing。



Reference:Yangcheng Evening News, Xinhua Net

Translated by Liu Chuanle(劉川樂)、Shao Anqing(邵安晴)


排版 | 羅思齊

編輯 | 賓宇軒

初審 | 劉頌傑

複審 | 鍾智錦

終審 | 阮映東


TAG: 冬奧會火炬設計師玉璧2022