

Dinosaur egg fossils are fossils formed by long-term crustal evolution of dinosaur eggs。 Dinosaur egg fossils are very precious paleontological fossils, which were first discovered in the Cretaceous strata of Provence in southern France in 1869。 At present, the total number of dinosaur egg fossils in the world is only several thousand。 Dinosaurs are oviparous creatures。 Except for fossil bones, the undamaged dinosaur eggs left behind at the time of their extinction have become important data for archaeologists to study this ancient life, as well as an important way for modern humans to explore past history。 one。 The mysterious life and culture encased in the elliptical fossil For now, it has very high scientific value, ornamental value, and collection value。



The protection of dinosaur egg fossils is natural, and the most important thing is to maintain its original state。 It is a scientific specimen of major significance in the evolutionary history of biology and mankind, and is a precious scientific and cultural heritage in the world。 Dinosaur egg fossils are useful for exploring the breeding behavior of dinosaurs, the origin and evolution of dinosaur eggshells, and restoring the ecological situation of the dinosaur era; for studying the emergence, prosperity and extinction of dinosaurs; for dividing and comparing the Cretaceous strata and determining the geological year of the strata Month; for studying the changes of paleoweather, paleogeography and paleontology, providing prospecting enlightenment, etc。, they are precious physical materials that are rare。



In the following years, the organic matter in the remains of these creatures was completely decomposed, and the hard parts such as the shell, bones, branches and leaves, together with the surrounding sediments, were petrified and turned into stone, but their original shape and structure were still preserved。 However, after tens of thousands of years of sedimentation, and with the continuous movement and change of the earth‘s crust, the calcium in such a stone gradually weathered and deteriorated, and even gradually became jade。 Dinosaur egg fossils are very precious paleontological fossils。 At present, the total amount of dinosaur egg fossils in the world is scarce, and most of them can only be seen in the National Museum。 This “Dinosaur Egg Fossil” is well preserved and has a peculiar shape。 In addition to being ornamental and artistic, it is also an important material for archaeologists to study this ancient life。 It is also one of the important ways for modern humans to explore the past history。 High scientific value, ornamental value, and collection investment value。

TAG: fossils恐龍蛋化石Eggdinosaur